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Office of Student Accounts


What are the rates for tuition?

Current rates for tuition and fees are updated as approved by the Board of Trustees.

Fall & Spring Tuition and Fees

Summer Tuition and Fees

Where can I find out my account balance?

Log on to Banner Self Service using your username and password. Click on the Banner tab from the series of tabs mid-ways of the page. Click on Banner Self Services from the next page. From the selection menu, choose student, then student account. To see your current account balance you will need to choose from the selections: student account summary by specific term or account detail by specific term making sure you select the term from the pull down box on the next page.

What are my options to pay my current term’s bill at UM?

  • Make payment in full by the published payment deadline date (first day of class by 5 p.m.)
  • Enroll in the payment plan (Fall and Spring semesters only)
  • If using financial aid, make sure the amounts you have been awarded are adequate to fulfill the balance owed on your account. IF a balance remains after your aid credits, the remaining balance must be paid by the published payment deadline date.

How do I make my payment?

Payments to students’ accounts may be made online using American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, or Electronic Check.  Go to the UM website and then select Banner Self Service. You will need your username and password. Parents can also make payments on the student account if the student has set them up as an authorized user through the student e-payment portal (click the Parent Portal link on the navigation bar to the left for more information).

In person at the Office of Student Accounts window on the 2nd floor of Palmer Hall 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday

The Office of Student Accounts no longer accepts credit card payments over the phone due to security and privacy reasons.

Mailed to:
University of Montevallo
Office of Student Accounts
Station 6065
Montevallo, Alabama 35115

Please include your student ID number on any check remittances

What if I have mailed my payment and it doesn’t get there before the due date?

A postmark is not acceptable for meeting the payment deadline. All payments must be in the Office of Student Accounts by the close of business on the published due date. If payments are received after the payment deadline, your student account may potentially be dropped for non-payment during at a specific date stated within the term.

Where can I find out about payment deadlines?

The payment deadline dates can be found under Payment Information each term.

Does UM offer a payment plan?

Yes, payment plans are offered for the Fall and Spring Semesters only. For more information about the payment plan, please visit the link for the most current payment plan available to all UM students.

How do I get a refund that is due to me?

Approximately 7 to 14 days after the credit appears on your student account a refund will be issued either via direct deposit or a paper check will be mailed to the current mailing or permanent address on file in Banner Self Services. If a student would like to set up direct deposit, please come by the Office of Student Accounts to enroll.

How do I sign up for direct deposit?

To sign up for direct deposit for student account refunds students must obtain a direct deposit form from the Office of Student Accounts. This must be returned to the Office of Student Accounts with a voided check or a bank letterhead stating account number and routing number. A valid state issued ID or UM student ID must be shown when the form is turned in by the student.

When are billing statements sent?

All students are sent an electronic bill (e-bill) to their university assigned e-mail address once a month regardless of their account status.

I’m the parent of a student and I pay the bills. Why can’t you talk to me directly about my student’s financial matters?

The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that we have written permission from the student to disclose any part of the student’s educational records which, by law, is confidential. Information concerning this federal law can be found at

The student can establish you as an authorized person by going to the Registrar’s Office on the 2nd floor of Palmer Hall to fill out the release form or completing the form online. Once this form is on file, the Office of Student Accounts will be able to answer your questions regarding your student’s financial matters.

I tried to register but couldn’t because there is a financial hold on my account. What does this mean?

Students who owe the University will have a hold placed on their account. The financial hold will not be removed until the debt has been paid in full. If payment is made during normal business hours for the amount owed through the online e-payment system, please contact the Office of Student Accounts so the hold can be lifted manually. Online payments are checked periodically throughout the day and holds are lifted accordingly. If payments are made after our normal business hours, the hold will be lifted on our next business day.

I dropped a class. Why didn’t I receive any money back?

Refunds for dropped classes during the Fall & Spring Semesters are allowed during the first week of classes. Summer sessions varies. You may review the Course Refunds and Withdrawal Rates here.

I have Financial Aid, why is it not showing on my student account?

If you know that you are to receive Financial Aid and it has not posted to your account, please contact the Office of Financial Services to discuss at 205-665-6050.

I do not plan to live on campus, what meal plan options are available for non-resident students?

UM has partnered with Chartwells to provide campus dining solutions. All full-time undergraduate commuter students will participate in the mandatory meal plan, which provides $250 flex dollars per semester, or they may select an optional commuter, which provides a combination of flex dollars and housing meals. Meal plan charges will be automatically billed to your student account and can only be used for the semester for which it is charged.

Fall and Spring Commuter Meal Plan OptionsOptional Summer Commuter Meal Plans

I have Alabama PACT, how does UM know that I have this benefit and want to use it to pay for my tuition?

Upon high school graduation, a congratulatory letter will be mailed out from PACT to the recipient. The Office of Student Accounts needs a copy of this letter. A copy of this letter may be brought to the Office of Student Accounts, mailed, emailed, or faxed. Once this letter is on file, the recipient’s benefits will be applied to the account.